Wurlitzer Visit!

A tour of Dick Taylor and Ed Stout’s Wurlitzer Organ Shop in Rocklin

March 19, 2022, at 3pm, Tour of Dick Taylor and Ed Stout’s Wurlitzer Organ Shop in Rocklin. Refreshments will be served. This should be a fun afternoon! Invite some theater-organ friends if you can! RSVP to lars@larsgjerde.com by March 17 to receive address information.

Although the Wurlitzer organ is not yet fully put together, there’s considerable inventory of Wurlitzer consoles, pipes, and other equipment. Ed Stout has a wealth of knowledge about this company, its history, and high quality standards for the instruments it built. At a later time we can return to hear the instrument when it is fully playable.


Lauma Akmene in Concert


Fall Workshops